电缆带-JFC 型恒功率串联电热带
JFC 型恒功率串联电热带 HBL型恒功率并联式电热带
联系电话:13965984935 0550-7531654 郭中清
电缆带-JFC 型恒功率串联电热带
JFC 串联型电热带是一种由芯线作发热体的电伴热产品,由于芯线单位长度的电阻和通过的电流均恒定,所以整根电伴热带首尾发热均匀,输出功率恒定。
Jfc type series connection heating cable is electric heating trace product which core wires act as heater.As the resistance per unit length and the current are constant,the power output of the whole heating cable from beginning to end is meaning and constant.