China’s A00 aluminium ingot price rallies for 3 days straight to RMB18650/t

铝云汇 2023-06-09 13:52
The Shanghai Metal Market has escalated by RMB 130 per tonne in the aluminium spot price, officially stopping at RMB 18,650 per tonne today, June 9. The average aluminium price trends are between RMB 18,630 per tonne and RMB 18,670 per tonne. The premium and discount prices have hovered around RMB 20 per tonne, on the downward or upward side.

The central provinces in China all have witnessed augmenting prices today, with it taking the highest leap in Shenyang by RMB 160 per tonne, resting at RMB 18,630 per tonne. In Chongqing, too, the aluminium price halted at the same range with an increase of RMB 130 per tonne. In Wuxi, the aluminium price has gained RMB 120 per tonne, officially closing at RMB 18,640 per tonne. Both in Gongyi and Hangzhou, the aluminium prices shot up by RMB 110 per tonne, settling down at RMB 18,540 per tonne and RMB 18,650 per tonne. The aluminium price in Foshan moved up by RMB 90 per tonne to rest at RMB 18,660 per tonne. Only in Tianjin and Linyi have there been slight hikes of RMB 30 per tonne, with the aluminium spot prices closing at RMB 18,500 per tonne each.
The price of low-carbon aluminium in China has gained RMB 91 per tonne to officially close at RMB 19,269 per tonne.
The high-purity aluminium (99.99%) price and high-purity aluminium (99.996%) price have rallied up the aluminium price index by RMB 100 per tonne, halting at RMB 26,200 per tonne and RMB 27,200 per tonne, respectively.
The prices of aluminium alloy (A356) has soared by RMB 150 per tonne, closing at RMB 19,350 per tonne, while the prices of aluminium alloys (ADC12) and aluminium alloy (A380) have heightened by RMB 50 per tonne, closing at RMB 18,600 per tonne and RMB 19,600 per tonne.

The aluminium powder price in China has also marked an upward strive of RMB 0.10 per kg, stopping at RMB 20.30 per tonne, with average prices ranging between RMB 20.20 per kg and RMB 20.40 per kg.

